Remote Living > Transportation

Woody goes shopping.

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Bruce S:
 Cool vid. ;D
Woody sure looks like you got more than your monies worth  :).
Do you still have the bottom hinged for easy access? How's the hinges holding up?

Bruce S


--- Quote from: Bruce S on September 07, 2010, 12:15:04 PM ---ZAP;
 Cool vid. ;D
Woody sure looks like you got more than your monies worth  :).
Do you still have the bottom hinged for easy access? How's the hinges holding up?

Bruce S

--- End quote ---
Thanks Bruce.
For what I have in it I think it was a pretty good bargain... money and time well spent.

I'm not sure what you mean by "bottom hinged".  The deck lid is hinged at the front, the full width of the box and is holding up fine.

Woody's holding up quite well actually with a few small exceptions:
The hinge that allows the trailer arm to pivot over and become the cart handle broke at a "reception" in Boulder when a well intentioned stranger pulled it off to the side and snapped it.  Luckily I have a few spares and it was a quick fix once I got it back home.

The home made knife switch was arcing badly from vibration and was trying to weld itself in the ON position so I've done a quickie fix by moving the outsides of the switch to one side and now the "knife" drops on the side of the two and pushes them together... so far so good.

The lock is taking some abuse from all the vibration but it's still holding up although at times it does act up and requires some jiggling.

Bruce S:
 Should've said top hinged  :-\
Does look like its holding up.

Great project and vid, enjoyed both very much!


Thanks Jonathan.  It was actually pretty fun doing the video.


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