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Exercise machines hooked up to a generator or alternator

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I noticied that the subject of PedGen exercise that I posted recently didn't
get too many replies but had quite a few viewers.....
C'mon guys and gals....I believe there are a lot of you out there that
would really like a good steady exercise that would improve your health
and sense of well being if only you would try it for even a week.
It doesn't have to be all at once, I started out at 10 minutes in the morning
and 10 minutes in the afternoon with a small generator and done about 5 watt/hrs
in 20 minutes.
For the past year or so I have been pedaling a slow  virtual 5mph according to
the digital speedometer/odometer covering 5 miles a day.....that's a mere easy
150 miles a month !  I don't consider myself in that good of a shape, I do a mile
at a time and takes long breaks takes me all day and at 8:45 PM I have less than
2 miles to go for my daily 5 miles.

So Please participate in this may help you more than you realize...

Hi Norm,

It might be fun but with 2400 acres to farm and ranch exercise is not lacking on any day I get out of bed.  ;D

I should build one for my 80 year mother though.  ::)


its a great Idea Norm.

Im keeping my eye out or a old exercise bike or machine.

Sounds like a great energy burner, if you have it to spare.  ;D

I think Ill make it for the wife.  :)

Have fun.



--- Quote from: Tritium on October 23, 2010, 09:52:10 PM ---Hi Norm,

It might be fun but with 2400 acres to farm and ranch exercise is not lacking on any day I get out of bed.  ;D

I should build one for my 80 year mother though.  ::)


--- End quote ---
Same age as my wife, but my wife only wants a small one
that she can sit on the couch and pedal.
2400 acres....about 2399.8 more than I have


--- Quote from: Fused on October 23, 2010, 09:55:14 PM ---its a great Idea Norm.

Im keeping my eye out or a old exercise bike or machine.

Sounds like a great energy burner, if you have it to spare.  ;D

I think Ill make it for the wife.  :)

Have fun.


--- End quote ---
They are easy to build, great energy burner. great fat burner too if you have some to spare.....LOL !
(40 pounds in 2 or 3 yrs. in my case) less weight more energy in moderation of course !


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