Author Topic: Just a quick thanks...  (Read 1215 times)

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Just a quick thanks...
« on: December 11, 2010, 10:50:52 PM »
I just wanted to say that since I've come back, there have been a handful of people here who have been extremely helpful, and I greatly appreciate this...

I hope that on some level, I return this to those less experienced, but just as willing to pursue the RE venue.

Congrats to the newbies, and thanks again to those who have provided invaluable help. I can't show appreciation enough for the gratitude I feel from all this.

In a world where junk websites run a muck, this is one that I hold close to me and is bookmarked on every machine that I have that is web facing.

Keep up the excellent work, I'm sure it is only going to get better from here. There is gold to be found in these here hard drives, and without question, you always come through for me.

I'm not done by any means, and I hope none of you are either. Together we can make a big difference in how the world gets its juice.

With much love,

The size of the project matters not.
How much magic smoke it contains does !