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Motion Detector
« on: January 08, 2011, 05:34:22 PM »
I was wondering if anyone knew if a AC motion dector off of a AC motion dector light would work with 12volts???  I need one at my duck pen, I am getting tired of or just plain tiered of freezing up there shooting coyotes.  Not that I don't like shotting them just I would like to deter them with some bright lights.



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Re: Motion Detector
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2011, 05:41:53 PM »
Might try an electric fence strand or 3?

Many run off 12 VDC as is.

'yotes here don't seem to be bothered by motion activated lights coming on here but a couple nips on the nose from a weed chopper fence will get their attention I guarantee it!

The light might make for better marksmanship, however.

Just another angle



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Re: Motion Detector
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2011, 06:00:40 PM »
Believe it or not I have a electric fence allready.  I have a pretty strong shocker on it and they still rip it down somehow.  It's 5 stands so its around 4 feet tall.  I just don't understand how they get it down.  I really honestly don't.  I got some smart ones around here.  They haven't figured out how to out smart hot lead coming at them yet.



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Re: Motion Detector
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2011, 06:12:40 PM »
I have used this for two years in my camper and home bathroom for nite trips.
I am using the same set of AA batteries for the second year.
Works well and has good range.


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Re: Motion Detector
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2011, 07:56:34 AM »
Basically same thing as kensue49:
Probably not bright enough to scare anything away but last forever on 4 AA.  Maybe use it as a trigger switch for a few strands of electric fence laying on the ground on top of a piece of plastic?


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Re: Motion Detector
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2011, 06:56:18 PM »
Well was looking around the web and found a product, Basically a solar power device that flash's one red leds all night long. Then it recharges during the day.  Here is the link, Kind of wondering if it works or not.

Wondering if it would be cheap to build one myself than spend 20 bucks and shipping.  Anyone got any thoughts on building one.  I would have to buy at least 4, one perside of the pen.



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Re: Motion Detector
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2011, 07:37:57 PM »
Predators believe the flash to be the eye of another animal & they feel threatened, so they stay away.

It sure seems to make sense and seems to get some good reviews.

I would think you could build it for way less than $19.  You might try dealextreme or allelectronics.


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Re: Motion Detector
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2011, 07:59:41 PM »
Hey thanks Zap.  Ya it does make seance.  When I night hunt and hit them with a red light they normally stop and check it out and back away from it.  So it might work.  LOL, I love to shoot them but at 5 degrees f, it's cold holding that 12 gauge.  I got one last night, Pretty good size male.  Got him with the 223.



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Re: Motion Detector
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2011, 10:50:20 PM »
I used this for my driveway until my wife objected to the loud alarm and flashing light.
It is a little too sensitive for my taste. But it may be useful for your needs.



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Re: Motion Detector
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2011, 11:06:21 PM »
I used this for my driveway...
I have that one.  It has a bit irritating alarm.  I've been meaning to change it to a doorbell chime or something.  Another round tuit.  BTW, I've been meaning to pay my 1980 dues to the Procrastinator's Club. :D
Nothing is foolproof because fools are so ingenious!


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Re: Motion Detector
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2011, 10:13:42 AM »
Another round tuit.  BTW, I've been meaning to pay my 1980 dues to the Procrastinator's Club. :D

LOL... you're doing better than I am...
I still haven't finished filling out my club membership card from '78! :-X


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Re: Motion Detector
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2011, 11:07:07 AM »
I keep putting off posting this...

Little 12V battery, little 12V solar panel, PB137ACV as a charge controller.
7809 between battery and circuit.

1st circuit shuts it off in the day light.  Same circuit as DrDave made here,,143064.0.html
(Tony retired, and the original circuit is shown here as Fig 12,

That circuit switches this circuit on,
which can power more than 2 LEDs,

An option to the fancy LED flasher circuit is,
a flashing red LED,
which can be used in series with a few regular red LEDs and a resistor so they all flash,

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Re: Motion Detector
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2011, 12:12:15 PM »
Now you're talkin'!

Too bad allelectronics doesn't have the solar yard light guts or complete solar yard light any more.
I think the guts were $3?


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Re: Motion Detector
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2011, 12:37:00 PM »
Now you're talkin'!

Too bad allelectronics doesn't have the solar yard light guts or complete solar yard light any more.
I think the guts were $3?

Funny you should bring up solar yard light guts.
Big Lots, 4/$10, some even cheaper.  Unpackaged ones were $3.
Some have solar panels that sell for $3.50 on ebay.

Not sure many of the newer types are very DIY user friendly.
Low voltage, low power, unmarked SMD parts, etc.
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Re: Motion Detector
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2011, 01:46:37 PM »
Interesting information concerning their color vision.

"Coyote's (dogs) are not completely color blind. However, they do not have the same color vision as humans and it has been noted they cannot tell the difference between red and green. The reason for this is that there are only two kinds of colour receptors in the retinas of their eyes. Humans have three kinds of colour cells, with three different recptor molecules sensitive to blue, greenish-yellow, and red, dogs only have recptors for yellow and greenish-blue.

Canine eyes also lack another human trait the 'fovea'. an area especially dense with detailing-sensing cells. As a result, their detail vision is not as good as ours. But they make up for this by having much better night vision and greater sensitivity to movement.

Coyote's have an acute sense of hearing and smell and the challenge is to lure him into your kill-zone. And precautions in limiting human sent and activity must be observed.
Above all... Don't eat a bowl of beans the evening before a Coyote Hunt!

Maybe you could get your ducks to eat beans.