Homebrewed Electricity > Hydro

My water possibilities...

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Also wanted to mention that I will be needing to raise the wheel as depicted because when the culverts are flowing full they both SHOOT water out as it probably falls a foot in the 110 feet it takes to get thru the dam, and the water can sometimes be 2 feet over the tops of the culverts on the other (lake) end.  Its a shame to see all that water potential "going to waste" in the springtime!
I have also thought of running an extra line (300 feet) to the house if II wouldn't lose too much...  12V in the house would be great for emergencies.

300 ft is a long run for 12v. It would be better to get an inverter and use 120v to the house. A cheep inverter would work for emergency use. (a few lights and a tv or radio)

It may be better to change the water wheels 180 deg. so the direction on flow would help turn to wheel. A box could be build to direct the water onto the wheel at the end of the pipe. This may eliminate the need raise the wheel at different flows.

Building a box does sound like a good idea windrider, thanks.  I also thought of getting one of those galvanized aprons for the end of a culvert pipe to "fan" the water out, at this point any good ideas are appreciated and needed!!  I don't really have any idea what Im doing yet... have been poring over the net all day looking at other people's designs, and seen nothing really similar to my situation.... or maybe Im just not as smart as most.  At any rate I don't want to build myself into a corner with something thats hard to maintain or is not well thought out or inefficient. Point taken about the 120V to make the run to the house.  It might be better to just put a small inverter I have in the house, and charge a battery for it at the source.  Below is the apron I was referring to.

Good potential there.  Study some of the axial flux dynamo designs elsewhere on this board.  You can get away from the need for gearing so high, for these will produce well around 500 rpm.  V-belts = friction losses.

Breastshot waterwheels might be best for your application; the wheel must be designed for a certain range of flow- apparently the second pipe doesn't flow till the first is full, no?   There are many options you can pursue with that arrangement

Turtle, slow


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