Miscellaneous > How to work with images

How to attach pictures

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Yeah I was going through some attachments settings (got a question about them for Jeremy later) and while I was at it I checked some other things and it was simply disabled for some odd reason ;D

That looks good Flavio :) Going test this a little more.

Jeremy Wes

Thank you!

I got to ride the elevator like a kid again.
Go up  Go down go up go down... :)

Most helpful on my mobile.

I just posted some pictures.
The change has a little side-effect.
Used to be: When you selected your photo, you then could select from the list to choose "inline expandable".  Doing that put a bit of text into the body of the message that looks a lot like this: {attach=1} except it has square braces.

When posting now, I can't do that action, and nothing makes the {attach=1} appear.  I have to type that in manually after the image has been selected.

Not all users will know to do that.

Ah for goodness sake there's an onclick event on the... PFFFFT, I'll have another look later today. Meanwhile, temporarily reverted :/


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