Product Reviews > Reviews

Missouri Wind And Solor wind generators

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John Bouchard:
Perhaps  rewinding to produce power in about 20mph winds to charge even  a small 12v battery?    My limited experience and understanding  with these things they require extreme  high winds before any measurable  power output, unrealistic  in most renewable energy applications that I can think of considering overall costs and other available options. I do have a Real wind turbine on order to replace these otherwise expensive boat anchors.

The blades are made of stiff type of common plastic material and seem suitable for their application.  (I will later provide a photo) They readily spin quite well  configured the way they are.

John Bouchard:
These are the 33 inch each raptor 5 blade sitting in the shed.  I also have the raptor 3 blade that's much faster and cost less.  The very knowledgeable technical sales folks at mws recommended the 5 blade.   I assume because of a higher sale commission caring less how well it works...


Mary B:
remove 2 blades form that 5 blade, keep as spares... use it as a 3.

John Bouchard:
Thanks for the idea Mary but at this point I'm scraping them.  I wonder if they can still be used for old  car or truck alternators by fabricating a pulley to the shaft,  anybody know?   I  don't know what to do with them :-\


Mary B:
You could use pulleys to speed things, will need more starting torque at that point... and losses rise but it may net you more output.


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