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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #33 on: July 14, 2012, 09:23:52 PM »
it's  controversial but the  Ontario  green energy act supersedes the red tape and obstructions that municipalities were using to block windmill construction.

But there are still no doubt federal codes that have to be met.
I aint skeerd of nuthin.......Holy Crap! What was that!!!!!
11 Miles east of Lake Michigan, Ottawa County, Robinson township, (home of the defacto residential wind ban) Michigan, USA.


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #34 on: July 14, 2012, 11:38:02 PM »
WTF are you talking about? Mot of us don't have money for a team of lawyers, are you talking about going postal at a township meeting? Like I said before, you don't own your land and you can only use it in a the way described in the zoning classification you are in unless you get a variance for a special use.
Anything else, unless it is grand fathered, is a non conforming use, if they so chose they can demand the non conforming structure be removed and fine you 50 bux a day or more until it is removed.
The government owns you, they own your land, if you believe you are a leg up on them for any reason you are kidding yourself.

Oh I don't disagree with a word you say! we bought into a family feud, and it was us that got ambused in a township meeting by the team of laywers, and we can't afford the lawyer either but somehow we do, but we are behind and eating cheap. We keep winning, and we keep getting sued, yet we aren't getting sued, but we don't live there. And its almost over, unless it starts again. The best I can say it.

And the only thing topical is that it is always easier to try to get along if you can. And a lot cheaper.
And if you can't, get educated real quick. Then figure out if you can fight, scream for help, or bail.
All you can do.


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2012, 01:15:34 AM »
I guess i should be considering myself lucky on my Texas home, most of my neighbors want as little interaction as possible with the powers that be.

 My other home is a different story, its in a state that claims to resent government intrusion, but if your dog barks they call the cops, play music too load they call the cops, if your weeds get too high they call the county, if your trying to help the local "at risk" kids and teaching them how to work they call the building inspector, the state contractors board, and OSHA ??? Maybe they just resent big government, but Nazi's are Ok? I do my best to stay civil with the county building inspector, even if it means biting my tongue. I know if I try to put up a mill there someone is gonna bitch, town pop is 900, and its the most remote community in the lower 48 states ::)



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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #36 on: July 15, 2012, 09:30:04 AM »
There will always be somebody who is greedy/envious or driven by some political belief of just plain ignorant who will object, then there are the people who are like the plaintiffs in this suit who are a combination of all these things and they are the most dangerous because they have the money to play the game.
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11 Miles east of Lake Michigan, Ottawa County, Robinson township, (home of the defacto residential wind ban) Michigan, USA.


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #37 on: July 15, 2012, 02:08:02 PM »
What would happen if common sense was used and the respect of your nieghbors and friends was used. The best way to describe 2/3 of the lawyers is that they lied and can prove they lied with one word yet use 30 to make them the better way.
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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #38 on: July 15, 2012, 04:35:22 PM »
Human beings for the most part have had common sense genetically removed from their gene pool, they have been spoon fed from the time they can understand language that the government will legislate common sense so they believe it's no longer an individual necessity.
I'm don't mean to pick on it but the UK is the perfect example of this, they have more observation cameras than any nation on earth, you can't own a gun for personal protection, if someone breaks into your house and you try to defend yourself with a knife or some such you will likely go to jail for it.
Life on this rock is getting more and more like a trip through the looking glass with every passing year.
Sooner or later there will be some kind of world wide calamity and 98% of the population will  be gone simply because they are imbeciles and believe their government will save them, when in reality it can't even agree on a course of action.
I aint skeerd of nuthin.......Holy Crap! What was that!!!!!
11 Miles east of Lake Michigan, Ottawa County, Robinson township, (home of the defacto residential wind ban) Michigan, USA.


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #39 on: July 15, 2012, 04:53:34 PM »
From the point of view of someone living in the UK:

* Yes, the CCTV is somewhat over the top, but is sometimes actually useful in catching the bad 'uns.  Like actually catching one idiot setting fire to a bus, very recently, in full view of the camera for example.

* Allowing (other) psychos to carry guns does NOTHING for my personal protection; I'd like our gun ownership rules tightened a little more in fact, please.

* There have been several recent cases (and policy remarks from the government) countering that: a couple of recent deaths of intruders are not being pursued by the police and are accepted as self-defence.

* Oh, and I have a healthcare system that is there when I need it whatever my employment and financial status.  I couldn't have set up a series of businesses without.

So, though I don't want to get into politics, I'd like to point out that I'm happy with the majority of the things that you seek to complain about on my behalf.

I think that you may simply be projecting your own grouchiness, which I wish you wouldn't because it gets in the way of many of your good ideas.




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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #40 on: July 15, 2012, 07:59:21 PM »
Well, I guess it don't help my frame of mind that tomorrow is my first physical torture session with my brand new bionic shoulder. The surgery cot me a whopping $0.00.
Not being able to own and keep long guns and hand guns is so foreign to my way of thinking it's almost incomprehensible, to my way of thinking individuals who are allowed to keep and bear arms are citizens, people who aren't are subjects.
I keep having flashbacks to the movie Vendetta.
I aint skeerd of nuthin.......Holy Crap! What was that!!!!!
11 Miles east of Lake Michigan, Ottawa County, Robinson township, (home of the defacto residential wind ban) Michigan, USA.


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #41 on: July 15, 2012, 11:39:54 PM »
From the point of view of someone living in the UK:

* Allowing (other) psychos to carry guns does NOTHING for my personal protection; I'd like our gun ownership rules tightened a little more in fact, please.

Here, in OH, USA, where I live, psycos are not allowed to buy, own, or 'control' a gun (not to hunt or target shoot, or anything).
Nor are felons.
Nor are drug addicts.  Or those with some drug charges.  Or some domestic violence charges.

Here, where I live, to carry a gun requires a full federal background check (fingerprints and everything), no DWI/DUIs, no drug related charges (not even possestion of a pot seed), no violent charges, etc.

AND we have to take hours of classes every 4 years, then are tested to show we know the laws, and can prove we can shoot acceptably to be in public.

And THEN we have to take 2 days off work.  1 to get passport photos taken and go fill out the paper work (how many people can recall EVERY address they lived at since they were born?), and write a big check.  2 to go down and get the license, in person.

In the US, almost every place that recently allowed CCW had violent crime decrease.

I do not know.  How is the violent crime rate in the UK since they banned machine guns?

Here, I can still own a machine gun (if I could afford to buy one, and all the paperwork, etc).
Last I knew, since restrictions went into place in 1934, the ONLY person to commit a murder with a LEGAL personal machine gun was... a cop!

My family hosted a student from Switzerland or Sweden... sorry, can't recall which.
Lowest crime around?
Everybody had their 'army guns and such at home in a closet'.  He hated it because he was expected to keep them all clean, maintained and functional.
BUT where everybody is armed, not many people are excited about doing bad things.

"I'd like our gun ownership rules tightened a little more in fact, please."
Who is currently allowed to own (or posses) a gun or handgun under the Existing rules in London?
Psycos, drug addicts, drug dealers, bank robbers, drunk drivers, wife beaters, child molestors?
People who wrote a bad check?
Here, in Ohio, they can't have, buy, own, or control a gun. At all.  Let alone carry one in public.

The people who follow the rules of a civilized society are NOT the people breaking the existing laws.
Not in the US or the UK.
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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #42 on: July 16, 2012, 05:08:45 AM »
OK, sorry for starting this rabbit running: I guess I just demonstrated (again) the futility of us arguing on guns, rock'n'roll and religion issues in here, so we shouldn't do it.  And I'm going to resist getting the last word in since I'm meant to be moderating rather than inflaming (though *that* should make for an interesting Internet job).  B^>


« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 05:15:22 AM by DamonHD »


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #43 on: July 16, 2012, 05:53:14 AM »

As we were talking of wind turbines, there has just been a planning application for another massive offshore windfarm just off the coast of Anglesea, (the island just off the North Wales Coast) and passing the application is seen to be a foregone conclusion, which takes the number of offshore wind farms in the region to at least 4. The interesting thing is you can see them from the shore and you never see all the turbines turning because there is not the infrastructure to handle the power if they were all running.

I have also noticed in this area several farms with single commercially made units on them, so the planning laws in this area seem to be less draconion than they used to be. 

If it is still topical I did get into trouble many, many years ago for shooting a little airplane, whose propeller spun in the wind,  off the top of a pole in the neighbours garden with an air rifle.



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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #44 on: July 16, 2012, 06:07:18 AM »
Yes, that proposed "round 3" project is amazing, and if you download the preliminary scoping document for it (I can dig out the link if anyone wants) there is an astounding amount of detail on fishing, shipping routes, wildlife, etc, over and above all the stuff such as capacity, cable runs, etc.  And the fact that it's cable will have to cross those for the new 500MW East-West Interconnector between Wales and Ireland!  B^>


« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 08:40:51 AM by DamonHD »


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #45 on: July 16, 2012, 07:28:42 AM »

Here, I can still own a machine gun (if I could afford to buy one, and all the paperwork, etc).
Last I knew, since restrictions went into place in 1934, the ONLY person to commit a murder with a LEGAL personal machine gun was... a cop!


Ghurd, Don't wast 20k on a Title 2 weapon, just spend 300 dollars and have some real cheap fun. Google "SSAR-15" and check out some of the you-tube videos, and trust me when I say they work as advertised. Enjoy, Truckman


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #46 on: July 16, 2012, 07:46:42 AM »
It is easy to be happy with the promises governments make.  Greece and Spain are figuring out those promises are not going to be kept, after all. Let's see if Britain figures that out.

The gun laws and surveillance cameras are about government protecting itself when the peons figure out the government promises are not going to be kept.


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #47 on: July 16, 2012, 07:56:14 AM »
You need a class 3 dealers license for one, then you need to pay a large tax to own one.
I aint skeerd of nuthin.......Holy Crap! What was that!!!!!
11 Miles east of Lake Michigan, Ottawa County, Robinson township, (home of the defacto residential wind ban) Michigan, USA.


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #48 on: July 16, 2012, 08:45:18 AM »
"If it is still topical I did get into trouble many, many years ago for shooting a little airplane, whose propeller spun in the wind,  off the top of a pole in the neighbours garden with an air rifle."

 hope the pilot got out ok.

as we  walk into the future we don't want to trade one type of pollution for another.
it seems hard to believe but if those big windmills make people sick from living too close then some accommodation needs to be made.
i don't trust big corporations to do the right thing whether they are in the wind turbine business or some other way to stack up money.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 09:00:07 AM by electrondady1 »


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #49 on: July 16, 2012, 09:18:51 AM »
You need a class 3 dealers license for one, then you need to pay a large tax to own one.

You do not need a license to own one. Title 2 weapons which are sold and transfered by Class 3 dealers are a completely different animal then what I suggested. The SSAR-15 stocks can be cash and carried at any decent gun show, they contain no moving parts and have a letter from the BATFE in each box stating the stock does not constitute a Title 2 Machinegun. They now sell adaptors for the entire AK family including the Saiga 12 shotgun as well. Truckman

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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #50 on: July 16, 2012, 09:42:57 AM »
when the balloon goes up and it eventually must as long as more people are born every day without a chance of ever developing a mind of their own.

 You need to know what these names represent, Louis Helm,The Jolly Roger,The Mentor+++,The Walking Glitch,Norman Bates, and Ye Cap'n,PC-Pursuit Users,The GREAT Captain Crunch!!,Knight Lightning,Taran King,Dispater,Dark OverLord,Phone Phanatic,Synthecide,Dedicated Link,Midnight Skulker",Lex Luthor,

 Say you have no idea what I a talking about well that's OK too! because each and everyone of the names have changed over the years old ones die off new ones crop up the important thing is to know what they represent and how to use that knowledge. For one day all of the Liing lawyers in the world will not be able to protect you from the outside world.
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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #51 on: July 16, 2012, 11:13:18 AM »
Remember people criminals all ways obey the gun laws! LMAO I grew up with a group of X black op guys, and they all had a basic rule, a dull knife is a toy, a gun with out one in the chamber is good as a dog with a broke groinal appendage.

Here in Canada it is getting a bit dumber every time the the anti-gun wing nuts get in, It is my right to be well armned as the sob robbing me!

Long barreled riffles are easy to be had, and that is fair enough, the problem is they keep trying to put restrictions on them, in the mean time all the drug dealing gangs got AKs, AR15's hand guns to vast to name, one here on the sunshine coast small rural town had a hand grenades!

Long story short, when every one can defend them selfs with equal force as the bastard robbing them you get allot less blatant robbers!

As for the wind mills I think all the so called health effects are psychosomatic same as the whole thing with wifi, I agree more RF radiation is not a good thing but funny how they all have cell phones that run off the same frequency!
Ignorance is not bliss, You may not know there is a semie behind you but you'll still be a hood ornimant!

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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #52 on: July 16, 2012, 01:17:08 PM »
"If it is still topical I did get into trouble many, many years ago for shooting a little airplane, whose propeller spun in the wind,  off the top of a pole in the neighbours garden with an air rifle."

 hope the pilot got out ok.

as we  walk into the future we don't want to trade one type of pollution for another.
it seems hard to believe but if those big windmills make people sick from living too close then some accommodation needs to be made.
i don't trust big corporations to do the right thing whether they are in the wind turbine business or some other way to stack up money.

That "sickness" i complete and totally frabricated NIMBY bull$hit.
I aint skeerd of nuthin.......Holy Crap! What was that!!!!!
11 Miles east of Lake Michigan, Ottawa County, Robinson township, (home of the defacto residential wind ban) Michigan, USA.


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #53 on: July 16, 2012, 01:24:39 PM »
I'm not sure where RF radiation play into big turbines.
I aint skeerd of nuthin.......Holy Crap! What was that!!!!!
11 Miles east of Lake Michigan, Ottawa County, Robinson township, (home of the defacto residential wind ban) Michigan, USA.


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #54 on: July 16, 2012, 01:38:33 PM »
Sharks, laser beams, WiFi and wind farms!  Where will it all end?  (Other than in confused and sliced sharks?)  Will no one think of the children!!!!!!!  B^>



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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #55 on: July 16, 2012, 01:53:43 PM »
@ FAB; You and I both know there are too many people who drink the kool-aide ( actually it was flavor aide) but no one could remember the name.
 FR radiation exposure fro The Big Turbines? Not going to say it just can't happen  I would think it would be closer to Electromagnetic sensitivity than RF. Who's to say these folks don't have a form of Epilepsy. if so then the spinning blades could cross the threshold of epileptic harmonics then trigger a seizure. They put warnings on television programs with flashing images for the very reason.
 real easy to test in a court of law put the plaintiff on the stand and have the lieing lawyer spin a carnival spinning toy hypnotic wheel. in a few seconds it will cross the harmonizing threshold at least once. Either they will be effected by it or not if not Case DISMISSED.

 @ XeonPony  Trust me there is no such thing as an EX Black OPs. They are either active or inactive
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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #56 on: July 16, 2012, 01:54:03 PM »
There are some big turbines (1.5MW)in a town not far from me, one is right next to a supermarket and has an observation platform built in. To the best of my knowledge no has been made sick by it unless you include vertigo from looking down from it. Most days you can stand right next to it and hardly hear anything from it the road noise is far greater. I cannot see what the fuss is about I have not heard that they have reduced the value of adjoining properties these people who get all worked up at the prospect of wind turbines just don't have anything else to do in their petty little existence, the real underlying fear always seems to be that the value of their property will be reduced, if they stooped complaining and getting themselves on TV no one else would give a damn and the property value would not be effected they are just stirring up their own $#|+.

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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #57 on: July 16, 2012, 02:44:56 PM »
Property that is overvalued to begin with...

Heck put one in my backyard, even if i am not hooked up to it if SHTF it would be a power source  ;D


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #58 on: July 16, 2012, 04:38:23 PM »
There are some big turbines (1.5MW)in a town not far from me, one is right next to a supermarket and has an observation platform built in. To the best of my knowledge no has been made sick by it unless you include vertigo from looking down from it. Most days you can stand right next to it and hardly hear anything from it the road noise is far greater. I cannot see what the fuss is about I have not heard that they have reduced the value of adjoining properties these people who get all worked up at the prospect of wind turbines just don't have anything else to do in their petty little existence, the real underlying fear always seems to be that the value of their property will be reduced, if they stooped complaining and getting themselves on TV no one else would give a damn and the property value would not be effected they are just stirring up their own $#|+.

Like I've said before over 95% of the worlds population are imbeciles and aholes. the PROBLEM is. everybody has their own definition of imbecile and ahole
I aint skeerd of nuthin.......Holy Crap! What was that!!!!!
11 Miles east of Lake Michigan, Ottawa County, Robinson township, (home of the defacto residential wind ban) Michigan, USA.


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Re: Landmark Lawsuit
« Reply #59 on: July 16, 2012, 09:40:03 PM »
@ XeonPony  Trust me there is no such thing as an EX Black OPs. They are either active or inactive

they where classified as to fried for service, and the stuff they did up there I can fully understand it, mind you an interesting group to be with as a kid, learn't allot from em, and if n when society crumbles I'll have no problems securing my self!  amazing what ya can do with a light bulb and duct tape and some marbles!!!
Ignorance is not bliss, You may not know there is a semie behind you but you'll still be a hood ornimant!

Nothing fails like prayer, Two hands clasped in work will achieve more in a minute then a billion will in a melenia in prayer. In other words go out and do some real good by helping!