Im looking for advice on which charge controller to get for the solar side of my 24 volt system.First I have a 12 foot piggot style wind turbine,tristar ts 60 charge controller set to dump,1800 watts of 3 ohm 300watt heating elements,10 alpha gel batteries(plus 12 more for future use) setup for 24 volts,and 2 2.5 kw puresine inverters.Ive purchased 2 mitsubishi 218 watt solar panels,VOC 36.3 volts,VMP 29.3,7.44 amps.I was going to hook these up in series and I will be getting 2 more for a total of 4panels.around 800 watts in total.Im wondering if I should just get another ts 45 or ts 60pwm or do I need an mppt charge controller?