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Sump Pump Duty Cycle (my basement is wetter than yours)

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Mary B:
McMansions yay! .NOT. I hope they get turned down

Talked to one of our neighbors yesterday,   he said that the surveyors were back a couple of days ago,  seems that they were unaware that changes were made to the local flood plain rules.   They thought it was still 844' (above sea level)  but it was increased 3 feet to 847'.

Our property just sunk three more feet!   We're now SEVEN FEET below the flood plain.

I really don't understand their definition of "Flood Plain"  why would they use sea level when we're more than 1000 miles to the closest sea?    Lake Michigan is about 16 mile from us and it is 577 feet above sea level. Any idea how many cities are only several feet above lake level?  Just on the west shore,  Green Bay, Milwaukee,Chicago have huge areas in this flood plain. I understand that when talking about flood plains they think in terms of "100 year floods".  Are we suppose to believe that in the last 100 years or so Lake Michigan has flooded?  *L*   

Wouldn't it make more sense to make our local flood plain relative to our local large body of water?

ASL is just a measure against a standard reference point; the fact that it's 800+ rather than 10+ suggests that they are indeed not actually bothered about the distant sea but more local factors.




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