Remote Living > Transportation

Need bicycle parts

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Gross weight pretty much says it all. I weigh over 200, probably 220, I don't know. Without the SLA's the bike can be carried in one hand, otherwise it's hard to lift the back at all. I ride very slowly most times because it's such a rough ride with all that weight. NiCads wouldn't be any lighter. The problem with SLAs is they have to be twice the size you actually intend to use so you don't ruin them by going completely down each cycle.
    You have answered your problem....the way I see it  first of all use the bike to exercise
to lose weight ....since you won't need to depend on battery power as much you can use much smaller batteries a 20 amp NiCad  will be much much lighter so the handling will be much

    I practice what I preach I regularly pedal a PedGen and sometimes only a regular exercise
bike but it amounts to virtually Walking 5 miles as the wheel if it were touch the ground
would travel 3 MPH ! yes....that's right I'm not  exaggerating
   I've brought my weight down from 232 to 189 sometimes 183  I'm 82 yrs young (sometimes
I feel more like 92 .
    So I hope this inspires you a little, get rid of the weight and it's amazing how much better
you will feel .....honest !



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