Remote Living > Housing

Seen the news, lately?

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The state had flagged the area as a disaster likely to happen in the immediate future.  Obviously something changed to make them decide that.  If a logging company destabilized the hill then they'll get eaten alive in court.

Mary B:
News I saw today said there was a 1.0 quake in the area a couple days before the slide. Claimed it was not strong enough to have been the trigger. Blaming the makeup of the soil with layers of clay under gravel getting soaked and turning into a sheet of teflon basically.

yea, maryalana- i heard something about the gravel acting like ball bearings. 

although i'm sure logging could have something to do with this, we have had a very unusual winter here in the NW.  it's been years since we've gotten snow like this last winter.  then in late winter we got rain like we typically don't get.  everyone knows it rains all winter in the NW, but it's typically just spitting.  this year we got multiple inches in less than 24 hours on multiple occasions.  not your standard NW rain patterns. 



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