Remote Living > Housing

Miscellaneous comments on Terra-Dome living, and related

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Most of the information I have read on tightly sealed homes tends to indicate that they build up not only CO2, but organics including formaldehyde and even sulfur compounds (perhaps more of an issue before your new bath exhaust fan)  The solution to this appears to be an air to air heat exchanger installed to replace a percentage of the homes air over time to prevent such build of harmful gases.

Bruce S:
Even back when I bought my first home, since our area is known for Granite , we do radon tests as part of the home inspection.

Granite is known for it's low levels of "gasses" and radiation. Handled correctly it's not a big issue.

I agree with Rich, the build up of a tight house, is probably going to be organics that you can quickly get sick from.

I don't remember reading where you are located, but a search of rocks & minerals in your area may also shed some light on these issues.

Bruce S

I rent a room in a 50+ year old concrete/cement block house with a whole-house a/c and impact resistant windows. Every where I lived before since childhood I left the windows open. I can't do that now, as the landlord lives in the other bedroom and won't run the a/c with a window open.

With the door closed at night it gets stuffy fast and hard to breathe and sleep. Just cracking the window a little at night is a huge help. I can't imagine living in a space ship or sealed building for long. The buildup of CO2 and drop in O2 would make me grouchy.

This is my home's solution for improved ventilation with reduced heat losses for bathroom and kitchen:



Something really leaped out in the link, talk about a 70% relative indoor humidity level.  Internal humidity needs to be kept below 60% at all times.  Mold will not form under such low humidity.  70% relative humidity is asking for serious mold mitigation in the future.


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