Remote Living > Housing

Bambie almost killed me

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I'm with you 100% on that. I spray a little pyrethrin on my boots and the cuffs of my jeans only.
I'd love to put out a bunch of poison mouse baits and maybe put a little dent in the population, but i'm sure that would be bad for any predators that fed on the dead mice.
I've been tossing the "customers" I find in my snap traps in one general area and they disappear over night. This morning  i saw fresh tracks of the bobcat that dug my latest offerings out of the snow. He / she has been dining well thanks to all the "customers" I've left out. If I can get my trail cam working I should be able to get some pix of a chubby kitty.

That's good judgement, keeping them sprays to human zones away from innocent wildlife.  I like the wildlife even if I'm far from a tree hugger.  Doing things like using 1-3 foot wide perimeter sprays around the house, and perpendicularly up the wall from ground level will catch 95% of your creepy crawlies at even your lowest mix levels.  It's never bulletproof, but that's absolutely no reason to poison everyone and everything trying to get that last .01%

Mary B:
Permethrin based insecticides are also deadly poison to cats!


--- Quote from: Mary B on February 12, 2016, 04:30:36 PM ---Permethrin based insecticides are also deadly poison to cats!

--- End quote ---

That's why I don't have cats ;) That and a pain to clean up engine compartments in winter!

Again for mice, treating cotton balls with it then placing it where mice can get them for their nests is a way to but a very large dent in tick populations as the mice become mobile tick killing machines. This is used by enviromental agencies and cities.

You need very small amounts of it to the level it does not pose a risk to birds and such. I am not looking forward to summer as they are horrorendus here, mind you I been stock piling card board tubes to place the permitherin traps around my area, So with luck I'll stamp em down befor they can even start!

Frank S:
Keep the grass cut to almost scalped height for the first and only cutting of the year pull your sprinklers out of the ground prey for no rain, as soon as the grass turns brown set it on fire if there is not enough grass to completely turn the ground black spray some flammable liquids on it. When the grass starts to grow again after the next rain it will be much greener and have far fewer pest


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