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Zubbly files

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Harold in CR:
 I used "zubbly files" as my search topic. Got some stuff where he commented in other threads, NOT in anything he experimented or build threads. I did some checking into some of his comments and found a little more.

 Searching is not my best approach. I just don't get the correct wordage to get successful search info.

 I knew someone had put all his stuff into a file/folder/ whatever it's called, so, that's how I went about it.

Can you see Zubbly's posts by following this link?




Harold in CR:

 Damon  Yes, I can go to his profile.
 This is where I got started with Zubbly postings. As you can see, it is more about posts in many different threads. I picked several posts and backtracked to find some of his own builds.

 As I posted earlier, someone has compiled all Zubbly's builds into 1 link, thread, file, whatever, wherever it is. This is what I have been searching for.

Follow the link above...anotherpower.com....then enter his name in their search bar..lots of info and Picts...

Harold in CR:

 Thanks Hiker
 Already been there and bookmarked that site/Zubbly.


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