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help with converting from 24v to 48v


I want to change from 24 volts to 48 volts, and was just wondering what would be the easiest way of doing it,

Here is what I have :    Solar -  3 strings of 7 panels 245w 30.5volts ea , each string wired in parallel
                                     Charge Controllers - 3 - C60 Xantrex
                                     10ft home brew Gen
                                     Batteries  48 - 2v volt cells

I know I will have to make a new stator for the 10ft gen.

I also thought of buying a mppt and just wire all 7 string to it, and reconfigure the batteries for 48volts .


You can do all the above, for smaller loads you can get a buck down converter, but the inverter must be replaced for a 48v one if it isn't all ready.

     wouldn't it be step up converter, or am I thinking of something different?


You want to switch from 24v to 48v yes?
So when you switch to 48V and put in the 48v inverter, to run your old 24v main system you must use a buck down converted to drive it.

48Vb >Buck down converter> 24V loads
48vb> Inverter
48vb < Solar/wind

I noticed that in Hugh's wind recipe book a 24 v machine is 2@70 turns while a 48v is 1@ 140. If you wired it 2@hand you could change the 2in parallel to one in series.   My thought.   Arch


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