Microcontrollers > Microcontrollers/General

Getting started with UNO

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Bruce S:
I don't want you to go getting all teary eyed, blushing or aww-shucks on me.  :P
BUT I have to say this:
This is the very type of professors (mentors) I always went looking for and in the world of GIS training I'm still looking for. I don't really need someone holding my hand or doing it for me, there's NO learning that way. Just a gentle nudge is okay .

Don't tell me the answer , give me the steps, in a nice logical way. I'll get to the finished end,,, eventually.
I've had to back off my learning to program these little buggers, work,, ya know, but I do try to keep up. AND have yet to post any of my sketches, mainly due to them being mere clones of what other people have done, with simple time changes to meet my needs, and NO where near as complete or eloquent as your solutions.

It is nice to know simple math will get me where I need to go with these.
NOW if DamonHD will just post his code so I can "borrow" from it I'll be all set.  :o

Bruce S


--- Quote from: DamonHD on November 29, 2016, 03:32:12 PM --- another way you could put off taking critical measurements until the supply is stable.  I can share the code if that helps.


--- End quote ---

Many hands make light work. People don't need permission to add to the discussion. It is a bunch of work editing and trying to think how someone else will interpret the words.  I got sucked into being the ISO Quality Auditor at prior employment and had to rewrite 80% of test procedures.  With ISO you are supposed to be able to take anyone off the street and turn them into a test tech.  In one test procedure I wrote to take a 12V power supply and connect the positive red lead to pin X.  They hooked up an AC power supply and it didn't work.   My BAD.  As Deming says...All problems are the result of management.  I was in Home Depot and a sales staff was trying to explain how to wire a new branch into a panel.  Their eyes were glazed over.  And then ontfarmer quotes from one of my posts.  Boy do I need a proof reader.  We will just have to see if some programmers can be created.  Some of these little programs can make a big difference in system performance.


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