Remote Living > Transportation

Still death-traps on the road

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Bruce S:
In some states here, they impose a hefty fine for making/using your on bio-diesel. Which to me is stupid, but then I'm no politician .
Our city does not, and until I sold my 1984 300TD I made my own with the only additive being 87Octane in the winter for better starting. I miss that car.

In Michigan the agri-fuel was the same way ,no taxes and if you got caught there was a huge fine. They at one time used a colorant to be able to tell the difference.

In Brussels there used to be a government program that would help the citizens if they wanted to convert their gasoline powered vehicle to propane. One such friend did just that on his old rebuilt Willy's military jeep. Was nice, he had a great source of repair/replacement parts too.

Diesel here in NZ is priced a much better way - only one grade that everyone pays the same amount for with no tax "at the pump". Same stuff is used for heating, agriculture, trucks, cars.

You need to pay a separate "Road User Charge" where you buy 1000km credits, the amount being dependent on the gross weight of the vehicle. This means that I don't have to pay over the odds for the 20l can (for my tractor) I get at the local petrol station.

No dyes, customs checking tanks and the other silliness that I knows happens in the UK for example.

Bruce S:
Any way you can me that entire coding :-D. I'll go to the state explain how we can then get rid of 1000 pages of tax nonsense.

That really does sound easy.

About what does the credits amount to if you don't mind me asking.
Bruce S

Note - all these prices are in NZ$ (of course!), diesel at the pump is about NZ$1.35 per litre, petrol is about NZ$2.06 for 91, NZ$2.15 for 95 octane.

Not cheap but it all has to be imported...


--- Quote from: Bruce S on March 08, 2017, 08:58:02 AM ---ClockmanFRA:
In some states here, they impose a hefty fine for making/using your on bio-diesel. Which to me is stupid, but then I'm no politician .

--- End quote ---

Thought we weren't supposed to mention anything political??    ::)


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