Homebrewed Electricity > Hydro

Report KD 598 about a floating water turbine availabe

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One thing you may consider is your attachments especially, you are not archive the links. You can attach your pdf here on this forum.

I can fix this for you.  Consider that the attachment feature can support pdf

Here is an example of how we at Fieldlines can archive your work once you attach a PDF, look to the BOTTOM of the page for a link hit that and your PDF will open. It will say "open" "save" I just hit open and the PDF will open.

mr. turtle, you mean the gorlov device?

Adriaan Kragten:

--- Quote from: JW on July 08, 2018, 09:08:50 PM ---Here is an example of how we at Fieldlines can archive your work once you attach a PDF, look to the BOTTOM of the page for a link hit that and your PDF will open. It will say "open" "save" I just hit open and the PDF will open.

--- End quote ---

I know that I can add a report as a link but I don't do this for a whole report. Sometimes I have done it for a single picture. If a report is only available at my own website, you always get the latest version. If I modify a report, there is some change in the name of the link and this change is not made in the link on an other website than my own. So to get the latest version of one of my reports, you always have to go to my website: www.kdwindturbines.nl.

Thanks for your reply, I  was just wondering no problem.   


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