Homebrewed Electricity > Storage

Replacing my gel batteries

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Bruce S:
Have you thought of other battery chems? OR are these the most cost effective available?
Writing a BMS using a arduino should be child's play for you.

I'm still using my NiCDs and am getting ready to bring up another 40Ahr of them. I have gone back and re-done the packs into 11batts/setup , makes for less voltage drop and closely matches the charging regime for the solar chargers.

Hope this doesn't muddle the mix further.
Bruce S

Hi Bruce,

I just don't think that I can get good 60-cell MPPT into any other manageable chemistry at the moment.

Next round yes, when my Morningstar controller will be old hat and out to pasture along with me!

But again, please show me I'm wrong!



Bruce S:
In my thinking, the charging profile for the MPPT using 60-cell for 12Vdc and a good set of NiCDs (recycled or new) would be very similar to the AGM style LA batts.
There is still quite a stigma about NiCds but in reality the NiCDs are very safe with someone who won't go throwing them in the fireplace.
In your case, since I don't know if you have a good source for used NiCDs , going with AGM is probably your best bet. I do have several of the AGM work had just lying around 6Vdc 7Ahr , these are nice little units and will probably be used in front of my NiCDs once I've had time to sort them out.
I can say for certain AGM are used in all the UPSes I've had the fun times of working on. APC, Eaton, MGE all use AGMs . This is includes the units with 110Vdc on the buss.

Hope this helps
Bruce S 



Mary B:
Plop a decent sized lead acid on the charge controller then run the lithium BMS off that...


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