Microcontrollers > Data Logging

Arduino for beginners

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Bruce S:
The post that you did for your datalogger are the kinds that true beginners really need to see.
It helps put the whole picture together.

Thanks Bruce,
You'll be happy to see some follow-up since I'm still working on it and have many changes too!


--- Quote from: OperaHouse on September 27, 2017, 03:36:18 PM ---  The only way to learn is to get your feet wet. With some basic knowledge these can be adapted to your own needs.

--- End quote ---

I have some basic knowledge and have adapted different applications to do different things and even figured out a line of code and change external board components to do what I want and they have worked well.
There are a few things I have seen you have written about and provided code for  which I would love to do myself and have looked for. The way you write code with no other explanation of connections or parts makes your effort in the code absolutely useless to me. If I had the schematic, I could look up the part substitutes and probably work around them. THAT would allow me to learn, having the code only teaches me Zero.
I'm not completely useless, but I do have limitations.
I think you are so far advanced and intimate with this, you have forgotten what it's like to be at this end of the scale. I know it can be difficult, I have the same thing myself when asked about my game BUT, if you want to help you have to get on the persons level or just tell the to ask someone else if it bores you or whatever.

Showing the code and nothing else is like emailing your wife when she tells you the car has broken down and telling her to Check the points are opening and closing in the Distributor, pull the cam belt cover back and make sure it hasn't snapped, check the plug leads are on and the thing has fuel pressure.
If she does not know where any of these things are or what they should do, she can be there forever and shes still not going to figure it out.
Show her a pic of the dizzy and the points in a book or tell her where they are located and what they look like and how to get at things and she will be able to work it out eventually. No use telling her what to check and when she says she doesn't know you tell her she'll have to learn by getting her feet wet and learning the basics. 

Same as I could explain how to take portrait Photos and explain all the settings but if you don't know what the gear is, how to set it up and turn it on or where to put lights etc, again, it's useless to you.  Give someone all the details and then they can try adjusting things  and settings and learn what effect that has and modify your instructions to get the result they want.

Without the schematic for a code and knowing what the components are and how they are connected, the whole exercise is useless.
And from the answers I have got, or more precisely, have not got, it's clear to me that just putting up code is f'ing useless because there is no way to work it out unless you are highly experienced and knowledgeable and then I'm still not sure you can do it.  If there was a way, someone would have said so by now with the number of times and places I have asked the question.

Frackers system is much better and one can dissect that and work it out. But that is not what people tend to do.
The thing about learning yourself is BS I'm afraid when you don't give a person the tools to learn with. Code alone is meaningless.

Far as I can see, I'm going to be a lot better off with the premade Chinese boards.  People might rubbish them but they have worked for me and I can at least hook them up and make a practical controller that does some of the jobs I want. I can wire them together and get one to make the other do things it was not really intended to do but will anyway. It's a real shame because I know the arduinos can do what I want and I could do it IF I had all the info and I would learn from that.  You hold a babys hand when they learn to walk and then they learn from that and go from there.

Premade boards limit what I can and would like to do, but looks like that's the best I can hope for for some time anyway.

Bruce S:
While I can understand your dilemma, I don't agree with just saying that just getting the code is rubbish. I agree it would be nice if there was/is a way to see the schematic or wiring diagram , but let's not loose sight of the fact that people like OperaHouse, SparWeb and DamonHD are posting code here for people to see different ways to use code.

This learning curve is just that. It's also the very reason why I started the other post about repurposing the LiFePO4 battery packs.
It's easy for me to re-build these into 13Vdc battery packs, reset my little morningstar solar controller to match and be done with it.
However using these as a launching pad to get to the nut-n-bolts of building a system along with learning code is in the long term better.

Let's not put targets on those willing to help.
Just a thought

Bruce S


As it happens I did put up a link to a *complete* schematic for a known working design of ours, and I repeat my offer to create a stripped down piece of code to drive it or the equivalent on an UNO which our design is very close to.

I repeat that I think there is no shame in having a single thing controlled by each of several (UNO) boards, though if they need to be coordinated than you'll have to take that pain one way or another.

I always basically start with a single LED schematic and code and work up from there.

You may find useful one of the online Arduino simulators where you plug virtual components into a virtual breadboard and can compile and run code against it.




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