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Arduino for beginners

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Some the do
Some they don't
Some you just can't tell
Some they will
Some they won't
And some it's just as well

Sorry, but it is falling on deaf ears. I have not seen one post from you that indicates you have even turned a UNO on.  Yet you find time for very lengthy posts.  A program could be written in less time than those take.  I think I have given pretty complete explanations and the schematics do show how to connect everything on a topic by topic basis.   Start with the basic Arduino programs.  Get something to blink, read a pot and get some serial data out.

Mary B:
The Arduino programming manual has examples and schematics to learn from... free to download plus the program simulator will tell you if your code is going to do what you want it too...



--- Quote from: george65 ---Without the schematic for a code and knowing what the components are and how they are connected, the whole exercise is useless.
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Now what I was hoping for never, well whatever


--- Quote from: OperaHouse on September 28, 2017, 03:16:23 PM ---
Sorry, but it is falling on deaf ears.
--- End quote ---

Yes, I noticed.

--- Quote --- I have not seen one post from you that indicates you have even turned a UNO on.
--- End quote ---
What do you want?  Make a post I modified a blink program?  That I worked out how to vary the pulse on a fuel injector I want to use for a burner control?  That I made a basic timer that has been watering my aeroponics system for 9 months? 
Not exactly riveting stuff.

I have taught myself 90% of what I know. happens when you live with your grandparents, your grandfather passes away when you are 12 and there's not much money to fix or do anything so as the man of the house, You either figure it out or cut the lawn with scissors, live in the dark or face other difficulties. Was earning my living full time for 3 years before I ever did a course. Taught myself everything I know out of any book I could get hold of.
Yes, I know there are people out there that want " Plans" to nail 2 bits of wood together but I am not one of them. I help myself as much as I can before I resort to asking for assistance.

Up to you if you want to help people, no one is in a position to demand it, you are entitled to do as much or as little as you like.
 I would like to  learn more off knowledgeable people like yourself but unfortunately I find there is a gap I'm having trouble jumping over with this.
Not to worry, I'll get around it one way or the other like I have everything else.  :0)

--- Quote ---  A program could be written in less time than those take.
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There's the deaf ears thing again.  It's not the programs I have difficulty with, its the components used and how to hook them up.

--- Quote --- I think I have given pretty complete explanations and the schematics do show how to connect everything on a topic by topic basis. 
--- End quote ---

I looked things up you and others have written I would like to build when Frackers posted about how he does things to make sure I hadn't missed anything. I think If you do go back over things you will see that in fact there are many things you have given no schematic or component details on even when asked.

Like I said, that's up to you and entirely your decision.


--- Quote from: Mary B on September 28, 2017, 07:44:07 PM ---The Arduino programming manual has examples and schematics to learn from... free to download plus the program simulator will tell you if your code is going to do what you want it too...


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Yep, I have spent time reading and learning from there and have been able to learn because they show you the connections, components and give you the code. You can build something similar to what you want to do then use it as the base and figure out how to get exactly the result you want from there.

My aeroponic watering timer started out as the blink program. Added in an SSR to control the pump. had a small voltage regulator running off a battery and a solar panel to power it all. Then worked out how to add a light sensor so the thing shut off at night. Now i'm working on how to add a temp sensor so the thing fires more often when it's hot and less often when it's cool so the plants are neither drowned nor dry.

Without the wiring diagrams and schematic's I personaly could not have put it together. I need to see the base before I can go further and work anything out.

I like that site because they give me all the info I need to do things. unfortunately there are more advanced things I'd like to and could build had I all the information and could modify from there.


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