Homebrewed Electricity > Other

Engine Govenor and stand alone solar reccomendations.

<< < (5/5)

Harold in CR:
 George, $86.00 US Postal Service and no charge for the governor.  I learn a lot from your ideas and doing projects, also from all the advice given to you. That is more than enough payment.

 6-10 days delivery to you.

Hey, that would be good news if it can happen!




--- Quote from: Harold in CR on November 02, 2017, 11:44:02 AM --- George, $86.00 US Postal Service and no charge for the governor.  I learn a lot from your ideas and doing projects, also from all the advice given to you. That is more than enough payment.

 6-10 days delivery to you.

--- End quote ---


Bit lost for words mate. That is extremely generous of you. I am humbled.
I'm sure you would like to see how it turns out but I can tell you now that is something I won't get to for 3 months or so. I am working  to get things done for our early  family Christmas dinner then I have my daughters 21st and trying to do some house renos before that.   After that I have to go back for some more minor surgery.  I would not want you  waiting to see how the thing got put to use and be dissapointed.

That being OK, I would really be most appreciative of having the unit as it would solve a big part of the puzzle to make the project a reality.
You can either let me know how to send you the money for the postage or when I go into town today I'll go to the post office and see if you can send it COD. I know you can do that here but I'm not sure from OS. Whatever you prefer is fine by me.

Thank you again for this. Very unexpected and I am touched. Hope I can repay you in some way some time.

Been here long enough to have seen a lot of giving & receiving.  One more thing I love about this site.

Harold in CR:
 Urgent PM sent !!!


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