Homebrewed Electricity > Other

Spitballing a car engine/multi-alternator large-ish generator

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Thanks george, (and apologies to OP for hi-jacking your post).

I'll certainly give it a go - it's good to hear it can be tried without spending £££, I was thinking I may be able to gravity feed by strapping a container on the top, although regulating the flow with such low head may be imprescise - just got to be sure I feed it in where it can't pool and get sucked in all at once - and if it improves cold starting that would be great.

I recommend having the tank BELOW the injection point so if for any reason the water does not shut off when the engine does, you don't fill it with water. 
Also have the tank vented.
Twice I DID fill a cylinder with water when the car sat in the sun, the tank got hot, pressurised and forced water out into the engine.
To clear it, all I did was keep bumping the engine on the starter every couple of minutes. Eventually the water ran past the rings and once I got the thing to exhaust stroke the water went out.  No real dramas and no damage, just took about 10 min to clear it out.  A mate did the same to his and being at home, we just took out the Glow plugs ( which luckily he was going to change anyway and had a set waiting) spun the thing over, watched at the impressive streams shoot out with force we would not have credited, put the GP's back in and all was good.

I also find pumps are easier for metering. I have been playing with a little PWM board for varying pump speed and I like the possibilities it offers.
It can be turned down for when cruising along the highway to save water and particularly water/ meth mix and then dialled up again when Climbing hills or traffic Light grand Prix.  For your application, you could use it just to regulate the speed of the pump to get the delivery you want.
If you do constant work like ploughing or slashing, you could just have a switch to turn the water on and off. If the motor is not working hard enough for the amount of water and you have forgot to turn it off as you disengage the pto or whatever, you'll feel it stumble and miss a little and that will remind you to flick it off.

The PWM boards would work well with windscreen washer motors. Don't underestimate those little things! They can deliver far more water than what you will need and tend to have very long lives.  I'd also suggest a GOOD size tank, especially at the start.
On my 4wd, Going up the hills on the highway to see my dad, I can easily go through MORE than 25L in 200 KM. I don't know how much more, I only have a 25L tank and it's always empty by the time I get that far and pull in for a burger and fill it back up.  It's usualy got a bit left time I get there a further 130 Km along but the back half is a lot flatter and you are on the throttle a lot less than the front 9.

This is the sort of board I'm refering to:


This is the Diaphragm pump:



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