Homebrewed Electricity > Hydro

The endless micro-hydro project

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"endless micro-hydro project"??  You wouldn't want it to be finished too soon, otherwise it wouldn't be a hobby!


--- Quote ---Did you solder the wire ends together?  One open connection would turn your output to zero.
It looks single-phase.  What resistance do you measure between the two leads?

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Did not solder as it's the eternal test machine... But i get a OHMS reading, not sure about the reading, the needle just hit it's maximum on the right side, i use it to check connections.

--- Quote ---The magnets look 1/8" thick and doubled-up.  Since they're on a 1/16" sawblade, the magnetic flux that should be transferring from pole to pole through the metal is probably escaping through the back of the disk.  You could improve it by stacking 3 or 4 sawblades together.

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I think about all the dead blades i threw in the garbage container last season (i'm a carpenter) and i cry as i only have 1 more dead blade here... I'll put the grinder zipcut in every iron things around here to get more iron discs.

--- Quote ---It sort of looks like you can disassemble the stator... is that true?  If so, you have a setup you can test and tweak until you have it right.  I like that.

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I'm dreaming of the day i will shoot nut locker on that rod once for all...

I'm also working on a double ceiling fan wind turbine and a TOP SECRET new invention project using peltier modules... If the modules i bought 40 days ago finally get here someday. 

 you need to start from scratch . check out the archives for alternator layout. you have every thing you  need to  make electricity but the proportion/relationships  of your alternator  are messed up.
first of all you need more poles or wider magnets ..
i use 50/50 spacing . meaning  on a magnet disk the space between magnets is the same size as the magnet.
i think the Dans use something  like  60/40 on their big alternators.

you can make a magnet pole from multiple magnets laid out side by side.

  it looks like the coils are buried in behind metal plates .
that's not right .
the coils need to be cast into a polyester or epoxy resin disk to form the stator disk.
that stator disk needs to be wider than your magnet disks so your mounting won't interfere with the magnetic flux path
there should be nothing between the mags and the coils but 1/16"(2mm) of air on ether side .
 i count 9 coils and 12 poles so it should be wired three phase, 12 coils and 16 poles or 15coils over 20 mags are also 3 phase.    the space between the mags looks to be something like 3 times the width of a mag. you can tighten them up by using more poles.

the air gap ( the space between the mag disks) should be the same dimension as  the thickness of your stack up magnets plus a clearance .
yours looks too wide apart.
 the thickness of the coils/stator should also be the thickness of you stack of mags but it's difficult to build a strong stator that is less that 3/8

stacking magnets increases flux density by about 20 percent but does not double it.
 if you have unlimited magnets, consider using multiple  magnets side by side to increase the size of the pole. each pole can be 4 or 6 magnets

you want to have the space between the surface of your magnet disks  be slightly less than the distance between magnets on the disks so the flux wants to travel across the air gap through your copper  rather than sideways to the next mag.

warning building alternators is addictive.


--- Quote ---it looks like the coils are buried in behind metal plates .
that's not right .
the coils need to be cast into a polyester or epoxy resin disk to form the stator disk.
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It's not a metal plate, its a 1/16 plastic plate as there is no epoxy in stores around here, should not interfer as there  is a clearance for the coils, does it?

I see only two wires out...is the third wire hiding??   You could do a simple single phase ..8 coils..8 mags..bult a few sawbblade mills couple still flying now and then...used on my motorhome or top of shop...ILE dig around in my old files if you want Picts...looks to me yours is not wired up right for 3 phase...I belive I have a diagram ....


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