Microcontrollers > Microcontrollers/General

arduino question

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Well since "boilerplate" was mentioned.

I have a link to Arduino and its a topic I created. Its on Steamautomoble.com


Why arent you guys talking about "sketches"

Bruce S:

--- Quote from: JW on February 14, 2019, 04:42:22 PM ---Why arent you guys talking about "sketches"

--- End quote ---

Too early in the AM  ;D

Something that helps me is to write "pseudocode", which isn't programming at all.

More like a series of statements written in plain english that you can read through to logically see the flow of the program.

On the first pass, just write the obvious general steps...

* Set up the input variables,
* Ask user for input,
* Calculate result,
* Display result on screen,
* Send result to serial port.
Once that's done, go to each line and add detail...

* Set up the input variables,
* length, width, height, mass
* Volume, density
* Ask user for input,
* ...
This lets you read and correct your logic as you flesh out what you want the program to do.

And then those should then stay in the code as comments, to explain what you intended to do, so that when you have a bug (and did something different by mistake) you can get back to what you intended...



Sparweb    Excellent, .... I love fundamental structures.

I like that, now your talking!

Please do carry on.......


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