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We had a great week!!!!

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OK here's what's going on. both me and Flavio are locked out of the server.


Bruce S:
I don't think that's a good thing.
What if anything can we help with

Bruce S

Its actually remarkable, that were up and running. There is a security pin that the host unexpected changed I cant talk about what it is. 

Its actually possible to recover, 


--- Quote from: JW on March 11, 2024, 01:37:05 PM ---OK here's what's going on. both me and Flavio are locked out of the server.


--- End quote ---
No, stop this.

Firstly, *I* am locked out because you haven't told me the password for years.
Secondly, you literally need to click reset password and recover it like any other site, takes 2 clicks but somehow you're making such a big issue out of it. I cannot understand it. If you lost the associated email as well you can still call them up and prove ownership with payment method and/or phone number. So once again, cannot understand it.
Thirdly, there is no security issue, just dumb host changing things without asking, as usual.

I don't need these kind of posts, I have enough mental health issues as is, this week has been bloody awful.


--- Quote ---[quotePosted by: TechAdmin]If you lost the associated email as well you can still call them up and prove ownership with payment method and/or phone number. So once again, cannot understand it.
--- End quote ---

I went so far, as to send them a picture of my drivers license. there forcing me to use an old email. Luckily I recently acquired the domain name for that email, I have to get hosting for it.


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