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Tesla Wardencliff and harvesting atmospheric Ions

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Harold in CR:
Matt, do you have any links for the NASA project ?


Harold in CR:
A little different than what we are talking here , but still getting electricity from the air.
Thanks, Matt

The write up talks about the wire interacting with the earth's magnetism, but that didn't explain the results.  This was just a pedestrian article.  It really drew a lot of attention at space.com, but none of those articles popped up in my search.  There is an abundance of charged particles in space and and the presence of near abundant radiation.  Creating the ground in space was the struggle IIRC.  One of the follow up experiments was to release a gas that would emit visible light in the presence of ions much like the Aurora Borealis.  Secondly, to detect the extent and scale.  The gas lit up to its potential due to the free ions being distributed uniformly and in abundant quantity.  So I find the wire 'interaction with earth's magnetism' to be dubious.

Harold in CR:
There is much speculation on how this Ion collecting happens. That Ion Power Group seems to have a handle on what is really happening.

 If these charged particles ( ions ) are so plentiful, why would a double set of wires not produce more Ions?
 Do these Ions float in lines similar to magnetic lines or are they floating like raindrops?


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