Homebrewed Electricity > Site News

We have a Facebook page

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Im watching this process the facebook page deletion.  I am unable to verify the deletion of the facebook page. It should be gone by tomorrow. Im watching this very closely.... Needless to say there have been problems caused by it..


I copped a 24 hour farcebook ban for just typing

Moderator edit (Sparweb):   Dude.  Have some decorum and respect.  That's against our rules, too.

My concern is that the facebook account wont be deleted. Theres already a user that is in there if this guy hacked in I dont know. At least we have Flavio to help our site.

Just as I thought, the facebook account did-int go away. I dont what to think of the thing.

I remember when we went into auto ads, there was kind of like spamming with mobile phones. Alot of the users were pissed. So like I have Identified that it was actually ads were causing the messaging with the phones... There is an offer to remove that type of thing. Were just learning too much...

So i did it know what the hell.. 

We can have facebook if anyone is still not having problems. With my luck we get it going and it will delete without warning..

--- Quote from: TRON ---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SmWz-UK_H4
--- End quote ---

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