Homebrewed Electricity > Site News

GDPR laws/feature

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Hello there,

the site has been updated to the last SMF version, which is the 2.0.16.
This included several security fixes as I've mentioned in the pinned thread, but it also made the site fully compliant with GDPR (EU privacy laws), as you're now able to download your data (other than requesting it to be deleted) through your profile, there will be an option on the left after you click on profile at the top :)
If you're logged in, this link will also work --> HERE


I hope that by now, most internet users have seen a GDPR notice before, so this shouldn't come as a big shock.
Have not seen this since last year, myself, when the bulk of them were rolled out.

Technically speaking, it wouldn't be even completely necessary because Fieldlines is from USA anyway, when GDPR is just for EU stuff (and I'd have no way to know whether someone is from EU unless he told me, IPs can be faked). So it's kind of like "yeah, will throw it in so it's there" but not the most important thing ever I would say :)
Plus, yeah, as you hinted most people won't even read the text and will think "it's just another GDPR"... And they'd be right ;D

And they released an hotfix for the screw-up that was the 2.0.16 (as usual, tbh) with a fix I had already applied (for bug that had the potential to crash the server) and a few other things... Since they are geniuses at work they didn't want to wait a few more hours or update the copyright, so I'm just gonna update the year myself ;D

2020 flew by so fast...


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