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Bruce S:

--- Quote from: SparWeb on December 31, 2019, 11:53:27 AM ---2020 flew by so fast...

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Ahh but it was a good year :)


* TechAdmin is thinking about changing it to some odd year from the 90s and see if any regular user will notice :P

Bruce S:

--- Quote from: TechAdmin on December 31, 2019, 02:22:15 PM ---LUL ;D

* TechAdmin is thinking about changing it to some odd year from the 90s and see if any regular user will notice :P
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Too bad I can't get the money I spent from back them too  :o

Yesterday I was sitting on the ski lift and the guy beside me was wearing a VINTAGE snowboard, made in 1997.  Made during the darkest times of the Ski-VS-Board wars.  Everything about it was different, especially the boots and bindings compared to mine.  He told me the story of the first run he did on it - hiking up Fortress Mountain after 95cm of fresh snowfall.

Two old geezers on their rocking chairs chairlift, with moist eyes as they reminisce about the good old days...

1997 was a good year.


--- Quote from: SparWeb on December 31, 2019, 05:43:43 PM ---1997 was a good year.

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Dang, can't remember much about that one, I was 4 ;D (also I might be drunk at this time so uh, yeah, happy new year and those nice things and so on so on)


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