Remote Living > Heating

HRV vs. ERV (or both)?

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Both of mine have been 6' minimum separation of intake and exhaust ducts. 

The unit must be mounted indoors. 

I ducted to pull stale air from bathrooms and bedrooms and supply fresh air to living room and kitchen.
It is more normal to exhaust from bathrooms and kitchen and supply fresh to bedrooms and living rooms.

all of the recent answers seem helpful, thanks, I am going to forward them verbatim to my installer.

present status is
- the installer who put in my two bathroom fans wasn't into installing the ERV.
- After checking with about 5 or 6 more HVAC places over the next several weeks, one of them has agreed to come to the house and have a look and measure things and plan out the project to install ERV.  They are about 60-70 miles away, but that's kind of the way it goes around here.  Their visit will probably not take place for a few more weeks due to sarscov2 (more my concern than theirs, apparently).
- an interesting comment made by the new installer: they do not have a huge amount of experience with ERV, but I think sometimes have installed.  When we were reviewing my situation, as soon as I told them I had the type of system I have (minisplit that includes no ventilation that I'm aware, and a very tight house), they said that kind of explained my questions and it made more sense to them I was interested in ERV.


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