Homebrewed Electricity > Hydro

need some advice on penstock sizing

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It does help a lot if you trim and resize before you try to post, of course - a good general rule for all cases, of course.

Alright, so my first attempt at a picture. This is the stream that I'll be using for our turbine:

Great spot!

Thanks! Yeah it's an amazing place and I have also just started offering tours to the place. some pretty spectacular hiking with a nice swim at the end.

So a question for senior members/admins, I thought I would just document my entire project on this forum so it can possibly help others in the future doing a similar project, including sharing 3d models I make, parts lists and programming of controllers and such. Should I open a new topic for that or just continue in this one? To help with findability for future google searches and such.

I would suggest opening a new topic, and trying to stay roughly on topic in there (we'll drift a bit that's fine)...




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