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Ok heres my work with external combustion

Jeremys Cornburner.mp4

Talk Talk - It's My Life ( Official Video)

Im getting ready to do some tests. I had the problem of an 96 PSI air line being a tether to the burner. The video you see is with the HPLV afterburner injection with heating.

The next video will use the HVLP system using a ducted fan. Getting everything ready.

Here is some parts I will be working with

The aluminum condenser wont be used because were not going to run an engine. But the primary heat exchanger will make steam to 3204psi. So were going to get some video of that discharge.

Bruce S:
THAT'S some Aluminum stack!!

Mary B:
Have you added an auger feed to the corn burner yet? 

If you get a chance look at a Bixby corn stove mechanism, self emptying pot to remove the corn clinker that forms... it was the first self cleaning stove on the market and they worked most of the time. I had one until they went out of business and parts availability dropped to zero. I had a plate that would move in and cut the top half of the burn off in the pot, kept the active burn going and isolated the clinker under while another plate opened the bottom of the pot dropping out the clinker puck. In this vid the noises at first are that cycle clearing the pot for startup. During ignition is used a small air compressor to blow air into the burn pot to automatically light corn. Not many stoves were capable of that. Very advanced stove and the company could have really ran with it but they quit development to invest money in this coal to gas system that triggered a bunch of investment fraud investigations... ended with a lot of bad blood and a bunch of orphaned corn burning stoves.

This pic shows the 2 plates, top burn plate with air holes, Bottom plate with the round cut out to drop the clinker in the ash pan

Hi Mary,

this is the corn burner that I developed

Like anything else I made a mistake on the patent application, I called something a sight glass when I should have called it a photo transistor. I was using fiber optic cable to protect the PT from melting.

Like I mentioned before the air supply came from shop air which had awesome performance HPLV, but was not practical for the application. I am now using a 12v ducted fan with speed control LPHV. I am in the proof of concept stage for that air supply and am planning testing out this weekend or next. will film it and make some steam and post that.   


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