Homebrewed Electricity > Controls

Inverter Receptacle

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So I have been using a SAMLEX 1000 watt inverter but want to go larger,  I prefer to just use the attached receptacle, and not have to wire a separate box and breaker panel. There are larger inverters, even 3000 watts, with a receptacle. Would this be okay if I watch my load, like keep it below 20-30 amps?  I was told it is maybe not as efficient or not the right way to use them? Looking at other brands as well.  Exceltech or Cotek?  ideas?


Not sure what country you are from ( voltage or regs ) or what you mean by a " receptacle " , but here in Australia the maximum your supposed to pull through a " standard " socket is 10 amp... pulled more but wouldn't for long periods ( heck 10 amps she gets pretty warm ),  you can get higher rated plugs but cost does dramatically increase in some cases ...

Bruce S:
This also depends on what you're getting your input voltages from.
Batteries, Fuel powered generator?

I do have a 3000w inverter that has the 110Vac (USA voltage) on them. It works just fine. I only have about 100A of battery fully charged so it would not last long without something behind them.

Give us a little more of how you are getting power to the inverter and what kind of appliances your running on it. We can give better suggestions.

Hope that helps
Bruce S

Four six volt 420 amp hour wet cells in series, parallel for 12 Vic.  Should be 840 AH and at 50% 420 ah.  Load small refrigerator (apt). Lights tool charger, maybe radio.

So 20-30 amps 12v ???  Is this " receptacle " the dc side or ac side ?? If dc, do the batteries have posts or something else ( special connector requirements , etc)

The loads you describe the 1000w should be plenty,  most higher powered inverters ( if dc " receptacle ") have ether lager ones or multiple ones in parallel..

If ac, depends on whats been stated above... is it 110v or 220v ??


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