Homebrewed Electricity > Controls

Build an inverter

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--- Quote from: bigrockcandymountain on October 15, 2021, 06:38:59 PM ---Also, almost all off grid inverters will act as a battery charger when using generator power.  Mine is a 48v input 120v/240v output 4400w inverter.  It will charge the bank at 60a off the generator and while the generator is running, the ac loads are powered directly off the generator. 

60a at 60v (48v absorb) is 3600w so not a bad rate.

13% is pretty high.  You can definitely charge slower.

--- End quote ---

Never thought about that. Thanks.
My plan is to put in a 100amp service (because they are cheap) Then put my important circuits in that box. Feed it from an auto transfer switch and have the inverter power be the normal power. Then if it should run out or low, have the generator start. I am not going to run 100 amps, as my generator (and inverter set up I am looking at) is only 50, so I will need to fuse it or put a breaker in somewhere.
That way if I go camping or something, I have nothing to worry about with my fridge freezer and furnace fan being on it's own power. Meanwhile, I do not have those things on my electric bill.
 I have a whole bunch of it figured out and priced out. I have a bad habit of writing down numbers all over the place and my wife must know I am getting close to done designing the whole system, including building the wind turbine, because yesterday she handed me a notebook so that I could organize all my final numbers, deign thoughts and companies and their prices.
The whole thing turned into a lot more thinking then I expected. Like I said I just wanted to build a wind mill. LOL


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