Homebrewed Electricity > Temporary power

Portable Solar Generator

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I’ve got the “Wind Turbine Recipe Book,” but had not considered building a small one.  I had planned on purchasing a small turbine to see how it worked out.  This may be next year’s project after I finish off the solar build for my RV.

Mary B:
I have a steel drive on mount for the top 3 sections of a BX64 Rohn tower. Tilt up for the tower(locks in place with a bolt or hitch pin)Lay mount on ground, park on it, attach tower sections and antenna, walk it up and pin it in place. We used it to activate rare grid squares in MN/ND/SD on ham radio VHF.

A similar design for a mast would work well for a smaller wind turbine. Keep in mind whatever you walk up gets heavier and heavier as you get to 45 degrees...


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