Homebrewed Electricity > Storage


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Adriaan Kragten:
Today I have viewed an interesting video called: "Ambri: A Battery that Could Change the World". link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRyo0Nr7CrY  This liquid metal battery makes use of molten Calcium and Antimony separated by molten NaCl. It is meant for large scale storage of renewable energy and it has about an infinitive lifetime if it is kept on the required temperature.

Not likely. Antimony is too valuable for hardening metals. Like bullets and lead-acid batteries. Most of it comes from non-US sources.

Antimony is $12k per metric ton.  Lithium is $17k per metric ton.

I think they will be fine.

Price isn't what matters. It is a strategic military item. China did and still does export about 1/2 the world's supply. The US exports 2%.

Adriaan Kragten:
In the movie it is explained that the two metals are purified by the charging and discharging process. The hot liquids are stored in a stainless steel container. This steel may be worn after about 20 years but it can be melted to make new stainless steel. The two metals can be used for another battery and this process can be repeated forever. So this is a very circular process and therefore it justifies a rather high beginning price of the metals. If we compare this with modern wind turbine blades made out of a combination of plastics and glass fibre or carbon fibre, the blade is pure chemic waste at the end of the lifetime of the wind turbine.


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