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Windows 98 need an expert.

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I have an old windows 98 machine (its a sony)

I have software that I need already installed on this machine. I need it for work. I have been messing with it all last week and have got it working. problem is that I need to print invoices for work. They are estimates. I was trying to update my printer drivers. Now for some reason its asking for a password. How do I get past this does anyone have a CD that will get around this?

Talk to me.

JW, I called an expert, and this is what he said,

You need to go into the bios setup, security, and clear all passwords.


I was in the BIOS a while ago but I was moving so fast with what I was doing I have this is I can get into bios

I had some code but cant find it now. I think im to tired to do this now. Been a rough day.

Im working on this Hyundai for a nice customer that Ive had for years. You cant open the drivers door from the outside handle. I hate for her to have to open it from the pass side if the windows rolled up. You wouldnt believe what I encountered when I took the door panel off. I refuse to quit I will get this tomorrow.

I was working on the transmission today and lucky made it out of that one alive. The fluid was black as hell and the car was already doing funny stuff, thats straightened out now.  This thing has a 6 speed automatic its very advanced the ATF is stored in two places, I saw part of it and said not messing with that part.. If I can get the door working right I will be happy.

Then Thank god I called the right lock smith. I need a beer.

*recently edited 2-

Another thing you can do is remove the motherboard battery for 5 minutes, then put it back.

Have the beer first.   :D


--- Quote ---Another thing you can do is remove the motherboard battery for 5 minutes, then put it back.
--- End quote ---

Ya its funny you mention that I just put a new one in today. Try that tomorrow.


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