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My very very long solar tracker build

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Mostly picture thread, this was started in 2013, then after moving to Alberta then to Saskatchewan then 8 years of thumb twiddling! I finaly got it made, big part was the purchase of a plasma cutter welder combo!

The above where the very basic beginnings of it.

I scavenged this from a RV Slide out as the RV was getting scrapped figured it`d be good for some thing I had my Y axis, I needed an X!

The idea, it has merrit!

How to glue it together now

Hmmm it looks like it`ll work but missing some thing

Not the fanciest thrust bearing but it`ll do!

Limit Switch

I went through a few controller revisions, first one I cooked the N relay, so got a power relay modul (They didn't have that when I first ordered it) then I gave up on the independent solar idea and used a 12V 40A psu.

Now with the controller I notice the X axis is working it seems the motor can move it faster than the panels can accelerate! I think this will be an issue!

PWM to the rescue!

Thankfully the way they designed the power relay board made integration very easy!

Last thing to do is to get the pad heater wired in, it stops tracking at apx -23c but starts once it warms up, the controller becomes non responsive to input. Then sealing up the box properly, so far it has worked great over winter other wise, that is my 540w array, it keeps things good enough for morning power till the main fixed array kicks in.


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