Homebrewed Electricity > Storage

Reviving S550 Rolls

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For the US and South Canada try these folk.


 Sorry its a facebook group, but most of the guys i know and are reasonably fair. 

But they do focus on IFLA. Industrial Flooded Lead Acid 2v cells and mostly from forklifts etc. Also they can also put you in touch with sellers of new IFLA.

Boy, only 8-years old.  Seems like they'd still have quite a bit of measure-life remaining.  I think it I'd exhaust the efforts to revive if possible.  Good luck.

I replaced my last (gel) LA bank after 10 years, down to a fraction of its initial capacity I estimated.



I might have been thinking these had a higher rated cycle-life.  It appears to be 1,400 hours at 50% DOD, so they might be closer to 'normal' end-of-life. The Industrial lines are higher... like up around 2,400-2,800 hours at 50%.  Still hopeful that they'll pull through.  Keep us posted.

I freak out when my AGM's go above 30 degrees C, so I had to read your "50C" three times before I believed it.


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