Homebrewed Electricity > Storage

Discover 2v 920ah opinions

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I see you're not superstitious about leaving LA batteries on a concrete floor.  Ah the funny old-wives tales I've heard since I started reading forums in RE.

In the pictures on the truck I can see through the case to the tops of the plates.  How much air space should there be?  Do you have a watering system planned?

Sorry I missed the call for helping hands.  Gimme more warning next time.  It's only a 7 hour drive, eh

Ya, no worries sparweb.  I'll get your help when they need to be hauled out.  Going down was easy....😁

The glowing line above max is the water level now.  I can't seem to get the S. G.  To 1.240 but i think that makes sense.  The lower line says 1.260 and the upper line 1.240,  so extrapolating, they should be 1.220 where they are filled to now.  I'm seeing a bit more than that so hopefully all is well.  I'll set the charge a bit high so they desulphate and use up the extra water. 

Now for the next project.  Making my gas stove into a hybrid. 

That plan sounds good!
I see the trend your pointing at, too.  It might take a while to evaporate off that much water, though...
This could be like your diversion load for a few weeks.

Seems like a decent deal if they're in good shape. Check their condition and compare prices for similar used batteries to gauge their worth.

Oh wow, those look promising.  So, 2-volt cells with 4-terminals.  Is that just to allow for wiring.  It's one series-string of 24?  Or are there two cells in each case?  I bet they are heavy buggers.


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