Homebrewed Electricity > Controls

OzInverter 2nd edition book, Chapter 14 Tech Info.


This PDF file is Chapter 14 from my OzInverter book.

 Chpt142019Feb2024c.pdf (2153.45 kB - downloaded 1069 times.)

Bruce S:
Thanks for uploading this!!
I'm at work today, so I'll have something intelligent to read while waiting for Apparatuses to be able to cycle to HQ .

Bruce S

Thanks for this wonderful piece of information. I been reading all your post for years.

Wondering the dimensions of your Heatsink or where to buy .

Now working on a triac based  3 stages Charging system and Transfer system.

Thanks in advance

Mary B:

--- Quote from: Penthode on May 06, 2024, 11:49:42 AM ---Thanks for this wonderful piece of information. I been reading all your post for years.

Wondering the dimensions of your Heatsink or where to buy .

Now working on a triac based  3 stages Charging system and Transfer system.

Thanks in advance

--- End quote ---

Good source of heatsink profiles https://www.heatsinkusa.com/


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