Homebrewed Electricity > Controls

Noisy Inverters

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I think that breakfast among my herd of four inverters would be OK.  Probably no louder than the fridge, but again, I've not sat with them at the right/wrong times!



How big a grid tie solar are you planning?

My off grid magnum inverter buzzes a bit.  It only gets noisy when the fan runs.  It's not unpleasant either, just a fan.  Comparable to a modern fridge or freezer i would think. 

Fyi i see you are looking at midnite classics.  They are somewhat noisy when the cooling fan kicks on too.  Ours is right below our bedroom and you know when it is making power.  It's not a bother, you can just hear it. 

I still can't help you on grid tie inverters.  I have an 8kw tentatively planned for my mom's house.  I think the fronius primo was my pick last i looked.  I think outback hybrid inverters would be my first instinct for grid / batteries.  I don't know the specs or competitors though. 

I'm still in research mode but I am finding useful information.
Not all manufacturers publish a number, but some do, and some patters appear.

In the noise category, the SolarEdge is the quietest at 25dB which is like a computer fan.  That one also installs outdoors, and relies on convective cooling not a fan at all, therefore less things to fail.  The SolarEdge does not , however, do battery charging.  That rules it out for use with my wind turbine, but something I'll bear in mind if I decide to put solar panels on the roof of the house, not the garage.


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