View full version: Newbies
  1. Adding a second windmill to my system
  2. Power calculation
  3. Wich one gets warmer ...
  4. CMS Magnetics?
  5. Newbie going off-grid, tons of questions
  6. How to make Neo Magnets
  7. Solar Panel Amperage
  8. Grid Tied Induction Gernerator Sizing
  9. 48V Pic
  10. open voltage vs. loaded voltage
  11. solar ?
  12. 12V -vs- 24V -vs- 48V
  13. n50's on a Dan's 10'
  14. No one ever mentions...?
  15. Low Wind Permanent Magnet Alternator
  16. Basic Alternator Question
  17. Looking For Reading
  18. PTO Alternators or Gas Powered Welders
  19. Commercial Units: Why DC Output Instead of AC?
  20. I've just pickup a new motor
  21. Cart before the Horse
  22. How many turns on the coil / typical RPM?
  23. Pittman Motor
  24. Another motor and a few more questions
  25. Cable from battery to inverter.
  26. DC gen any good with lister
  27. helped a guy with a 5.5kw turbine today
  28. altenator ?
  29. 12 pole single rotor vs 6 pole dual.
  30. 6 kw alternator
  31. treadmill motor
  32. What do you do if you know a storm is coming?
  33. 120vdc 2000rpm motor will this work for a wind generator?
  34. Inverter question
  35. Worried about resins
  36. don't mess around with powerful magnets unless you know what you are doing.
  37. Zoning and codes for wind power in residental areas
  38. magnetic fields
  39. Anyone grid tied in Oklahoma?
  40. why coils?
  41. magnets
  42. Motor Selection
  43. 2 part epoxy
  44. Low RPM induction motors are hard to find
  45. 20 pole Stator Winding
  46. casting a stator
  47. Voltage readings not accurate?
  48. Motor Selection
  49. Generator Equations
  50. puttin neos in a treadmill can?