Author Topic: The good bad and ugly about  (Read 230 times)

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The good bad and ugly about
« on: August 24, 2006, 10:37:12 PM »
As I said, it's good to have a free board to explore wind and solar ideas. One would hope a free exchange of ideas was possible there - apparently not at this site.

The bad news is, it's controlled by a guy who's nice one minute and slices out your posts the next, claiming 'folks didn't like you or your site' or 'I don't like your site' or 'your site is misleading' when in fact, the site they are referring to is an honest, educational site and the guy they are bashing is a teacher who explores ideas most of the visitors here 'just can't understand' let alone, want to explore in a productive positive manner.

The ugly part is the flame wars...I can'r remember a group of more childish regulars than I have encountered here. We run several children's sites and I have 11 year old visitors with more manners and less of a tendancy to post obscene graphics...the cow on the $#|+ter one member posted here was a classic example of the mind set of a few of the folks here.

Back to the good news - there are a few folks with an honest interest in exploring new ideas who enjoy our discussions.

And the bad news - the folks who used insulting, slanderous remarks are safe here - apparently we can't reply to them so anyone can post whatever they want at this site and we can't respond...the REPLY TO THIS button seems dead on the thread on hydraulics.

The ugly? A court ordered injunction to have the board shut down is in the works. We have begged old Dan to either strike the post or allow us to reply and his response was to strike two other posts we made at the site - discussing airfoil shapes and composite materials for blades...charming.

So...we spoke with an attorney and he feels we can either:

a) file a suit for defamation of character based on the posts at the hydraulic thread or

b) file for an injunction and have the entire board shut down or

c) old Dan can fix the REPLY TO THIS problem or

d) Dan can scrap the thread asap.

Your call old buddy...hate to see a site that has 'some' value to the A/E community get wacked with an injunction or a suit..honestly I don't know what came over you when you wacked off two more posts...but we're a gonna find out.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2006, 10:37:12 PM by (unknown) »