It is slightly off-topic because Ponnequin isn't a homebrew wind farm and this is posted in the Homebrew->Wind section. I don't care, personally, because it's still wind power but there it is...not that my opinion matters...
Here's what I could find with a really quick google (for those lazier than I am)...
"The staff at Fort St. Vrain is also responsible for the Ponnequin Wind Farm which generates electrical power from the wind. The site, located on the plains of eastern Colorado just south of the Wyoming state border near Cheyenne, consists of 44 wind turbines and can generate 30 megawatts of electricity.
Each wind turbine cost about $1 million to build and is capable of generating 700 kilowatts of electricity. The turbines begin operating with wind speeds as low as 7 mph and shut themselves down at speeds over 55 mph to prevent overspeed damage. Each turbine weighs nearly 100 tons and stands 181 feet to the turbine body or NaCell (where the blades are attached). The turbine blades have a diameter of 159 feet. The first turbine came on line in April, 1998."
$44 million (or so?) is a pretty big investment - that's not really something you can "homebrew".
Next time I'd make it a diary entry about how long it took to upload this amazing video..or whatever. take it easy