Author Topic: BZ 500 vs 500HV MPPT  (Read 539 times)

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BZ 500 vs 500HV MPPT
« on: January 02, 2011, 10:39:29 PM »
The 500HV is supposed to have firmware optimized for 48v nominal input. What's the thinking behind that? I have 400 watts of new panels not on a controller now. The 500HV is a little more money, but I only double up my panels so the Voc is low 40's, not 48. Tripling wouldn't make sense because I have two matched pairs of 100 watt panels.

I've used the 250HV MPPT for a couple of years now. It only went weird on me once forcing a manual disconnect to reset it. That was my fault. I put a 12k uF capacitor on the input side to cut down on the number of clicks the main relay makes in dim light. With my panels doubled there is enough light at dawn to cause the relay to open and close for a while, which is kind of annoying. I sleep in the same room as the controller.

The 500 can be had for less than $200 which isn't much more than the 250HV. This won't take long to hook up since I already have the panels set up and the wires connected to the bank with a temporary blocking diode.