roger- thanks for your info on your personal tower. that's the kinda info i'm after. folks who have self (but not really) engineered their towers and what they have observed.
prasad- i checked that website and have no clue what to do with their formulas. it's funny, i can frame some of the most complex structures without batting an eye, yet the link you give sends me into idiot land.
the master plan is a 60' tower with NESW guys 3 each, every 20' up the tower. 3/4 yard of concrete per guy footing, footings 30' radius around tower. 1/4" cable for top, then 3/16 for middle and lower. full 30' gin pole. 1 yard for base footing, with a burly loose hinge, like the dans like.
i'm just not sure on the pipe. my gut tells me 3" sch 40 would be plenty for even a 10' mill, but i guess it is all a gamble.
i really like the idea of 3.5" sch 40. just haven't called around yet to see if it is redily aval and chep like the 4".
working on all the other parts too. making my mind wiz! volts, amps, watts, batteries, it's becoming a blur that i am welcoming with open arms!