Author Topic: Wind test ECM  (Read 1360 times)

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Wind test ECM
« on: December 27, 2004, 02:18:19 AM »
Well I'm squeezing some more power out of the GE ECM. I'll show #s from stock wireing at 12 volts and at 48 volt and the #s I got today with the 9 phase mod.

Also did an amp rpm test a few days back. I'll list those #s also in hopes theres a way to compair lathe rpm and wind/blade rpm.

Stock wireing wind test #s.

12 volt, watts only.

 5 mph  0w

  1. mph  0w
  2. mph  32.50w
  3. mph  104w I did not test above 20 mph in this test.
  4. volt, watts only.

 5 mph  0w

  1. mph  0w
  2. mph  120w
  3. mph  200w
  4. mph  225w
  5. mph  250w

Now the wind test results after the 9 phase modification. This test was done at 12 volts.

 5 mph  0w

  1. mph, 2.5 amps  30w
  2. mph, 7.5 amps  97.125w
  3. mph, 12.5 amps  162.5w
  4. mph, 21.25 amps  280.5w
  5. mph, 28 amps  380.8w

This is a good improvement over the stock wireing scheam.

I'm going to try one more wireing mod and then do another wind test.

Here are the bench test #s from several days back. I powered the ECM with a 2.5 hp tredmill motor and a 25 amp 0 to 160 volt dc power supply. I tracked rpm with an infered lazer remote tack. This was a 12 volt test.

 5 amps,  660 rpm, 13 volts,    65 watts

  1. amps,  785 rpm, 14 volts,   140 watts
  2. amps,  935 rpm, 14.5 volts, 217.5 watts
  3. amps, 1102 rpm, 15 volts,   300 watts
  4. amps, 1380 rpm, 15.6 volts, 390 watts
  5. amps, 1500 rpm, 19 volts,   570 watts

You can see why at 30 amps and 19 volts I stoped testing real fast. I was using 3 good size car batteries as a load.

I hope to draw a compairison between bench rpm and the wind test to aproximate blade rpm at vairius mph.

                         JK TAS Jerry        


« Last Edit: December 27, 2004, 02:18:19 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: Wind test ECM
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2004, 10:46:50 PM »
A reply to follow.

                 JK TAS Jerry

« Last Edit: December 27, 2004, 10:46:50 PM by Jerry »


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Re: Wind test ECM
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2004, 10:53:34 PM »
I did it this way cause when I respond to post a coment it dumps my responce.

Anyway I did the next test. I sirised the in phase pairs of coils and then configure all 9 phases in star. The preformance was bad.

I coudn't get over 15 amps at any speed. So looks like the best way to wire the GE ECM is to perelell the coils accross from each other and then wire all of them in star.

This made the most power I've gotten from the GE ECM.

                          JK TAS Jerry

« Last Edit: December 27, 2004, 10:53:34 PM by Jerry »


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Re: Wind test ECM
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2005, 11:39:03 AM »
Hey Jerry,

I hope you find this.  I can use some advice about a 1/2hp ECM.  And blades.

When trying to get something with low wind, would it be better to have 4 or 5 blades, and a steep angle?  (instead of 3 blades)

The total amps needs to be kept down.  I can use 10a.  25a is going to overload everything here.  I would rather have 5a than 25a.

So, if I series all the outputs (with caps), this could give some output with low wind AND keep the amps down?

This is a 12 pole 9 coil device, so couldn't the proper coils be parralleled then rectified in only 3 bridges?

There is a lot of talk about smaller blades lately.  Can the Jerry blades Mike mods be had in something less than 4'?  Say 30"?

Did you ever get the Al blade 'thing' for fasting to any old flat hub worked out?

Man, that must be enough questions for this week.



« Last Edit: February 21, 2005, 11:39:03 AM by ghurd »<<<-----Information on my Controller